
About us

Kogoj Inn is located in Bilje on the regional road Miren or Vrtojba-Volčja Draga. It has been run successfully for over 20 years by family Kogoj with their team.

Tradition and experience are a base for offering a diverse and wide choice of food and wines, but we can also serve you at your home. When you enter our Inn, you can feel the hospitality and the staff will surely know to advise you on your choice of food, wines or catering. We want every guest to leave satisfied, because that is a strong motivation for our further work.

Because we are ECO

We want to be ECO-friendly, therefore in the winter time all of our rooms are being heated with biomass. We also have DHW heating. We put solar panels on our roof, which represent a reliable and simple way of gaining electricity from a renewable energy source.

Kogoj Inn

Bilje 149a
5292 Renče
Slovenija (EU)

telephone: 05 93 44 601

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Because we are ECO

We put solar panels on the roof of our Inn so they can produce electrical energy and solar collectors for DHW heating.

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